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LAMOND, Frederic 90,00 EUR
incl. 19 % UST exkl.
Art.Nr.: 2430186
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LAMOND, Frederic

(1868-1948), Pianist, Schüler von u.a. F. Liszt u. H. von Bülow, geschätzter Beethoven-Interpret, eigh. Brief (2 S. klein-8, Doppelblatt, Gebrauchs- u. Klebespuren, letztere auf dem Unterrand der zweiten Seite) mit U. (voller Namenszug), O. u. Dat., Curtis, New York, 21.1.1925, an die Herren Breitkopf & Härtel, New York City, "..., I have made quite a number of additional fingering marks in the 'Beethoven Ecossaises' and a few marks - rather important, which I would like to go over with you personally' in order us mistakes oceur in the re-print. Could you come down to the Pier, ..., Norwegian America Line, on Friday forenoon? ... If Mr. Henneke or someone who understands music and editing could be at the pier, ..."


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